Thursday, October 27, 2011

Support East Jordan Teachers and Staff

East Jordan teachers are asking we support them in their contract struggles by wearing blue to the November 2 Char-Em Area-Wide PD Day.  They will be passing out buttons to wear as well (they ask we return the buttons to designated staff when you leave the PD).  The E.J. teachers were told not to wear their solidarity t-shirts by the administrations saying it would not be appropriate and too casual for the PD day. This is despite the fact the staff has been wearing the t-shirts on Mondays and Fridays to work since early September.  Also, they are asking everyone to attend the next board meeting on Monday November 21 @ 5:30pm.  A November "Birthdays Celebration" will be held at the middle school at 4:30 prior to the board meeting.  Everyone is invited for pizza and refreshments.  Please plan to attend if at all possible.  Negotiations are not going well with the district demanding the teachers take a 3.5% pay cut, accept whatever insurance carrier the district chooses, and if you don't qualify for the insurance due to a pre-existing condition, you would be required to sign a waiver holding the district harmless.  Lets support our friends and neighbors and tell the East Jordan Board of Education Enough is Enough!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gov. Snyder Gets Involved in Rep. Scott Recall

Governor Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bill Schutte have filed a motion with the Michigan Supreme Court asking that the court delay the recall election on November 8 against Rep. Paul Scott.  If you had any doubts about Gov. Snyder's feelings towards education, teachers, or the MEA, this should make it very clear.  He is not pro education.  He is not pro teacher and he certainly is not ambivalent towards the MEA.  He has no basis to become involved in the recall of Rep. Paul Scott.  This is pure partisan politics at its worst!  In fact, he has plans to go to Grand Blanc this November and campaign for Scott!

Even the Detroit Free Press ran an editorial condemning the gov's action.

"Clumsy and nakedly partisan hasn't been Gov. Rick Snyder's M.O. so far, but his recent decision, with Attorney General Bill Schuette, to interfere in the Nov. 8 recall election targeting Rep. Paul Scott of Grand Blanc has us reconsidering the limits of his good judgment.

Shame on Gov. Snyder and AD Bill Shuette.

What is Occupy Wall Street all about?

This is a powerful video that does a lot to explain what the Occupy Wall Street (#OWS)movement is all about.  The movement has everything to do with the privitization of education, the coordinated assault on MEA in order to eliminate it as a voice for kids and members, and make you a Right to Teach (For Less) employee.  Watch and learn.  Go to  and become a member.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: MI Supreme Court denies Rep. Paul Scott appeal-RECALL IS ON!!

As reported on, the Michigan Supreme Court denied Rep. Paul Scott's request for a preliminary injunction which means the recall is still on.  Rep. Scott is chairman of the House Education Committee and the most anti-teacher/anti-union person in the legislature.  This is great news for those of us who have been fighting the fight and who vow to not give in to the misguided, mean spirited legislators bent on destroying our profession, our lives, and public education.  Take heart that your phone calls, e-mails, and letters have not been in vain.  The voters in Rep. Scott's district of Gand Blanc, were required to collect at least 10,000 signatures in only two weeks.  In fact, they collected over 12,000 signatures in that time.  The message is simple,  do not give up!  Do not give in! We can make a difference.  Call Sen. Walker and tell him to vote not on the SB 618-624.  Go to to find out more about these bills attacking our local schools and public education.  Tell Sen. Walker to vote NO!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Right to Work (for Less) Introduced in Senate

According to MIRS, Senate Bill 729 would have this misleading law ‘only apply to schools that have the Michigan Education Association (MEA) as the bargaining unit.’ That raises some simple questions.

“What does this have to do with helping students? With creating jobs? With helping our economy recover?

This has everything to do with destroying MEA for supporting recall efforts against House Education Chair Paul Scott (R) Grand Blanc.  The Republicans are furious that MEA got involved by donating money to the Paul Scott recall group.  Why?  Because Paul Scott is anti-education, anti-union, and proves it day in and day out by introducing legislation that hurts public education in Michigan.

Get your cell phones out, call Sen Howard Walker and tell him NO on SB 779!

There is no scientific evidence showing "Right to Work" (for Less) creates jobs, raises wages, or improves education anywhere.  In fact 7 out of 10 states with the worst economic conditions are Right to Work States! 
The fact this bill is aimed only at teachers covered by MEA contracts shows how mean-spirited Senate majority leader Randy Richardville (sponsor of the bill) and his Republican cronies are.

Call NOW!  do not allow this bill to make it out of the Senate!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Your Lobbying Efforts Are Paying Off

Even thought the Senate voted today to lift the cap on Charter schools, the bill was amended to remove language allowing school districts to privatize teachers.  Due to your constant pressure, we were able to win a hard fought victory.
However, the battle is far from over.  Bills to expand "schools of choice", public dollars paying for private school and home school students who attend public schools and other bills in the group of bills 618-624, are still out there.  Keep the pressure on Sen. Howard WalkerTell him SB 618-624 do nothing to improve education or create jobs in Michigan!
If you have not gotten your 5 signatures on the Walker recall petitions, do it now!  Even our superintendent has written a letter to our legislators stating he is opposed to the group of bills.  What are you waiting for?