Wednesday, November 2, 2011

E.J. Teachers and Staff Appreciate Your Support

A big, big thanks to everyone who wore a t-shirt or pinned on a button today in support of the struggles of the East Jordan Education Association.  A huge shout out to BCEA members and MEA staff who organized and helped distribute the buttons and t-shirts.  The effect was immediate.  I even heard one presenter refer to the contract negotiations in the presentation.  From what I can gather, several board members seem to have it in for the teaching staff.  They now are demanding a 5.5% pay cut (and it goes up by 1% for every month they don't settle), no life insurance, no disability, and that is on top of a 20% co-pay on insurance premiums, among other things.  Even the chief financial officer of a large (very large) local business has written letter to the board of education basically saying enough of this foolishness.  I have heard comments that some teachers are in jeopardy of losing their homes if these horrific concessions are agreed to.  This has nothing to do with money.  The district has a 9% fund equity, which they refuse to spend.  Please mark your calendar for the next board meeting on Monday November 21 @ 5:30pm.  The support from all area educators was overwhelming today.  Show your support and attend the next board meeting. 

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